News and Info

Here is where you will be able to find additional details about any major service change or update we have.

3/4/2025: Spring Break Service & Early Ending Friday, 3/7

In observance of Spring Break, OCCT will end service early on Friday, 3/7. The final runs will be:

5:30 Oakdale Commons Shuttle (OC)
6:00 Riviera Ridge-Town Square Mall Shuttle (RRT)
8:45 Main Street Outbound (MS)
9:20 Downtown Center-Leroy Outbound (DCL OUT)
9:30 Downtown Southside Outbound (DS OUT)
9:30 ITC-UClub Shuttle (IU)
10:10 Westside Outbound (WS OUT)
10:40 Campus Shuttle (CS)

ITC-CS only service will operate from Monday, 3/10 to Friday, 3/14. There will not be any service 3/8, 3/9, 3/15, and 3/16. Regular service resumes on Monday, 3/17. We hope you have a restful Spring Break, Bearcats!

1/13/2025: Spring 2025 Semester Schedules & Service Bulletin

Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester, Bearcats! We hope you had a restful winter break and an enjoyable holiday season. OCC Transport is happy to be back running with improvements and updates to service.

Our drive for recruitment has allowed us to replenish staffing levels enough to increase service hours by approximately 9.7% this semester! In particular, an additional 8 DCL Inbounds have been added on weekdays, and each downtown route has seen an increase in frequency throughout the week. The same routes operated last semester will continue this semester. The start of the DS Inbound operation has been postponed as we continue to research housing and ridership data in the Southside.

Certain peak inbound buses in the morning that are prone to getting full will also have additional “chaser” buses that will pick up remaining passengers on Main St. after Chestnut St. after the first bus gets full. Certain WS, DCL, MS, and UDC Inbounds will still be skipping Academic Ato avoid traffic congestion around West Drive during class changes. Please review the schedules for each inbound route to see which specific runs will skip Academic A.

We would also like to courteously remind you a valid Binghamton University ID is required to ride and must be presented and scanned each time you board. This ensures that you're BU-affiliated for the driver and helps OCCT expand service accordingly with accurate ridership data. When boarding, please have your ID out before approaching the steps to prevent delays. Drivers will remind passengers to scan IDs when boarding for the first few weeks and reserve the right to deny boarding if an ID cannot be presented.

OCCT is currently taking applications for our Spring 2 Training class! If you're 18 or older, had a U.S. driver's license for at least one year, with no active violations or points, apply to drive the iconic blue buses! Visit for more information.

As always, please remember to follow the rules when riding and be courteous to our drivers and fellow passengers. We look forward to another semester of providing safe, courteous, and reliable transportation. Best of luck in the semester, and thank you for continuing to be what makes OCCT so great!

- Arjun Sahansra, Public Relations Coordinator | 607-777-6916

12/5/2024: Fall 2024 Semester Service Ending & Winter Break Service

As the Fall 2024 semester comes to an end, OCC Transport will be ending service early on Friday, December 13th. The final runs to leave campus that evening will be:

5:45 Main Street Outbound (MS OUT)
6:00 Downtown Southside Outbound (DS OUT)
6:45 UClub Shuttle (UC)
6:45 Westside Outbound (WS OUT)
6:45 Downtown Center-Leroy Outbound (DCL OUT)
7:00 Campus Shuttle (CS)

Winter ITC-Campus Shuttle service will begin on Monday, 12/16, and continue through the Winter Session. Exact service dates & schedules will release shortly. We'd like to thank everyone for a great semester - we appreciate you and look forward to a great upcoming Spring! Enjoy your Winter Break & Happy Holidays, Bearcats!

11/13/2024: Thanksgiving Break Service Information

In observance of Thanksgiving Break, OCCT will be reducing service from Wednesday, 11/27 to Sunday, 12/1. A modified reduced schedule that ends before 12:00 PM will be in effect on Wednesday, 11/27. There will be no service from Thursday, 11/28 to Sunday, 12/1. Normal service will resume on Monday, 12/2.

We hope you have a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving Break!

10/30/2024: Main St (MS) Detour Ending

As a result of the Lester Ave. bridge being open to traffic again, the Gannett Building will be serviced directly through Lester Ave. on the Main St (MS) Outbound & Inbound.

We hope this alleviates any delays or issues caused by the modified routing from the start of the semester. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we previously worked through this detour!

9/4/2024: Academic A Service Changes

Due to increased traffic during class change times, certain WS, DCL, MS & UDC Inbound runs will begin skipping Academic A upon entering campus by servicing the Union via East Drive instead of West Drive. Avoiding this pedestrian & vehicle traffic near Lecture Hall & Academic A at these peak times will ensure that we continue to operate as close to on-time as possible and get passengers to/from class safely.

Information on the specific runs that will skip Academic A will be posted shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience as we get into the groove of another great semester!

For more information regarding this change, please contact

8/20/2024: Main St (MS) Service to Gannett Building & JC Walmart

Effective this semester, Main St (MS) Outbound & Inbounds will begin to service the BU Gannett Building & Walmart in North Johnson City. During the Lester Ave. bridge closure, buses will detour via Arch St. & Brocton St. to service this area instead. We appreciate your patience as we work through this detour and service this new area!

8/5/2024: Fall 2024 Semester Schedules & Service Bulletin

Welcome to the Fall 2024 Semester, Bearcats! OCC Transport is happy to be back running full service with some improvements and additions to service for you this semester.

OCCT is proud to introduce a new route, the Downtown Southside (DS)! This route provides service between Main Campus and the UDC via Southside neighborhoods and Downtown Binghamton. This semester, it will only run in the Outbound direction (Campus to UDC) in the evening hours when BC Transit stops operating the 5. As we increase staffing levels and review passenger demand, a mirrored Inbound run will begin operating in the following semesters. Visit for more information!

Since the release of the Downtown Southside, we will no longer be operating the Leroy Southside (LRS). Being the oldest route in our roster, operating since the early 1990s, this route’s service area is currently covered by other routes throughout our service hours and therefore defunct.

Since our staffing levels have decreased from the previous year, we have slightly reduced service and will operate one less bus daily. This amounts to roughly a 9.5% decrease in service. As a result, we have shifted more residential runs (WS, DCL) to direct UDC service to ensure the same or more frequent service to/from the UDC as in previous semesters. We hope to return service frequency to previous numbers in the following semesters as we replenish our staffing levels in upcoming training classes.

All other runs will continue operating at frequencies similar to previous semesters. However, certain run times may have changed – please visit for the most up-to-date schedules.

OCCT is currently taking applications for our Fall 2 Training class! If you're 18 or older, had a U.S. driver's license for at least one year, with no active violations or points, apply to drive the iconic blue buses! Visit for more information.

As we get into the semester, please remember to scan your ID when boarding the bus, and follow all rules of riding the bus. We look forward to another semester of providing you with safe, courteous, and reliable transportation. Best of luck in the semester, and thank you for continuing to be what makes OCCT so great!

For more information regarding the changes noted, please visit, or visit to ask any questions.

- Arjun Sahansra, Public Relations Coordinator | 607-777-6916

8/4/2024: Introducing Our New Route: The Downtown Southside

OCCT is proud to announce our new route, the Downtown Southside (DS)! This route services Vestal Ave, Conklin Ave, and Tompkins St in Southside Binghamton, then Henry St, BC Junction, and the Universiy Downtown Center in Downtown Binghamton. Designed to replace the Leroy Southside (LRS), this route will begin operating in the Fall 2024 only in the outbound direction. Check out our Facebook, Instagram, or Route Webpage for more information!