Downtown Southside Outbound


The Downtown Southside Outbound leaves campus and travels through Vestal Avenue, Conklin Avenue, & Tompkins Street in Southside Binghamton, and Henry & State Streets in Downtown Binghamton, while also making stops at Mirabito Stadium & the BC Junction Bus Terminal enroute to the University Downtown Center.

Operation Time:

6:35 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. (Fridays) or 9:30 P.M. (Monday - Thursdays)

9:45 P.M. to 10:45 P.M. (Sundays)


Scroll below for a graphic map of the Downtown Southside Outbound, its schedule, and the stops along its route.

Downtown Southside Outbound Route Map

① Leaves the University Union

② Conklin Ave & S. Washington St

③ Tompkins St & Conklin Av

④ BC Junction

⑤ Arrives at the University Downtown Center

F= Only operates Fridays.

6:35 PM 6:43 PM 6:46 PM 6:50 PM 7:00 PM
8:15 PM 8:23 PM 8:26 PM 8:30 PM 8:40 PM
9:30 PM 9:38 PM 9:41 PM 9:45 PM 9:55 PM
10:30 PMM-T 10:38 PMM-T 10:41 PMM-T 10:45 PMM-T 10:55 PMM-T

① Leaves the University Union

② Conklin Ave & S. Washington St

③ Tompkins St & Conklin Av

④ BC Junction

⑤ Arrives at the University Downtown Center

Sa = Only operates Saturdays.

Su= Only operates Sundays.

9:45 PMSu 9:53 PMSu 9:56 PMSu 10:00 PMSu 10:10 PMSu
10:15 PMSu 10:23 PMSu 10:26 PMSu 10:30 PMSu 10:40 PMSu
10:45 PMSu 10:53 PMSu 10:56 PMSu 11:00 PMSu 11:10 PMSu